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Make your very own Self Care Box with Emily, sure to evoke positive emotions & relaxation for when you're feeling a bit stressed or anxious.

How To Make A Self Care Box

Happy May! Did you know that May is Mental Health Awareness Month? Crafting has a lot of benefits to our mental health - and I wanted to share just a few ideas this month to encourage positive mental health. Today, I am sharing a fun idea, creating our very own Self Care Box. What's different about our Self Care Box is that we decorated it ourselves, bringing in even more therapeutic health benefits.

I do have a full process video below, but I will let you know now - it's on the long side! If this is something you'd like to try to do, you can mostly follow along with me in the video.

Here's some things you need to create your own Self Care Box:

  • A cardboard box, think about the size of a shoe box. I had the perfect size here with a more unique lid that inspired me. Find your own size/style that you love! I prefer having a lid, because we will put things inside the box, but if you don't have one that's fine also
  • Some collage paper/regular paper. Here is what I am using:
  • Mod-Podge &  a paintbrush
  • Decor for your box: I used some 49 and Market Lavender Laser Cut Elements with Dina Wakley's Sayings.
  • Most importantly - USE WHAT YOU HAVE AT HOME! Even if it's regular cardstock that you've been meaning to use, or stickers, ephemera, you name it - use what you have and what you LOVE: whatever is going to make you happy & smile when you see it. 

Here is my full process video on how to decorate/create your very own Self Care Box! I hope you enjoy! 


Below are some pictures of my finished box. Here's the outside/top of my box. I loved using these sayings from Dina Wakley to add some encouragement!

 Create your own self care box



Create your own Self Care Box
Create your own Self Care Box
Create your own Self Care Box
Once I was complete with the tissue & collage paper, I decorated my box with the 49 and Market Laser Cut Elements & also the Dina Wakley sayings like I said above. I felt like this took my box from pretty to amazing!
Make your own Self Care Box
Create your own Self Care Box with Emily Moore
Create your own Self Care Box with Emily Moore
Create your own Self Care Box with Emily Moore
I even decorated the inside bottom of my box, although it will mainly be covered up by what I put inside, I really wanted that cohesive look & I thought it just looked pretty. Plus, when I empty out my box, I'll be able to see the bottom & those pretty butterflies. 
Now time to fill our box! 

What do you put inside a Self Care Box?

For my box, I grabbed some of my favorite photos that I have printed out, as well as an album full of pictures of my family that I love. I also packed a face mask, some tea bags, and even some Hershey Kisses! I even put in some cards from my grandparents, etc. Just some things I'd like to remember & things that make me feel better when I am down. 


Here are some more ideas for you! (think of the 5 senses):


  • Photos of loved ones, good memories - print off quotes you love that are encouraging.
  • Fun magazines that evoke positive feelings for you. (for example, this for me would be something like country style furniture, ideas for decorating a home, etc.)
  • Word Search: great for taking your mind off a problem! (they still sell these at the store for really cheap! I have my own & it's more fun than a screen)
  • Your favorite book: something easy that maybe you've read before. Reading something you've already read & know what's going to happen lessens anxiety, due to the comfort & predictability. 


  • If you have a CD player, or maybe an iPod, having a mix of your favorite songs is a great way to be less sad! 


  • Small blanket, heat pad, or fuzzy socks
  • Relaxing lotion for hands/feet
  • Something like a face mask is a fun thing to include & something you wouldn't normally do on a daily basis!



  • Some of your favorite treats that don't go bad, like some special chocolates!
  • I love tea, helps calm me down - keeping some tea bags in your box if you are a tea lover is a great reminder that just a sip can help calm you. 
  • OR, if you love coffee, you can have a cups worth of your favorite grounds in a baggie to save for later.


  • Calming smelling candle to light 


I hope that this project is something you are going to try! When I went through the process of creating my box, it was very relaxing, even with filming it. I hope this helps you as well. Let me know in the comments what else you'd include in your Self Care Box! 

With Heart, 


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